Monday, January 19, 2009

Blogging Like I Mean It!

So it's been quite a while since I've posted anything. Why? Life is crazy!

Well, it is... Not exactly my life, per se, but life in general is kind of...

Okay, you've found me out, I've just been real lazy when it comes to writing as of late. I've had so many projects I've wanted to do and I have done none of them! *sob, sob* Don't look at me!


What's that? This is a blog post so you can't actually see me? Oh, well, that changes things. Will you get a serious post here? Have you ever actually read this blog? Most of my posts are not serious, but rather quasi-serious, where I say something, but it's peppered with jokes and joke like things. If you want to see serious, you'll have to wait. My goal in 2009 (I keep writing '08 still) is to write a LOT MORE! Yes, that required me to yell over the Internet, it's that exciting.

What's coming down the pipe?

A BRAND NEW STUDY ON ... Following Christ, No Matter the Cost
I will be looking into the 7 Deadly Sins and how they are actually covered in the Bible, plus a study on prayer, and a study on Baptism. And more...

POEMS AND SHORT STORIES THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND (or at least make you think and/or feel feelings of some sort) ON ... Starlight Ponderings
I would tell you what's going to be appearing, but that would ruin it... ...and I don't know everything that will come into my head to write ya know...

RANDOM, RANDOM, RANDOM POSTS AND THOUGHTS ON ... My Other Blog (the one you're reading right now, at this very moment, maybe)
Um, stuff...? What do you want from me? I'm only one man... And I'm going to write, I really, really am! You should see how much I sued to write. I wrote so much that you would wish I didn't write so much! And that's when I should have stopped talking...

Also, I hope to be revamping all three blogs with some features and face-lifts (no face-lift for Starlight though, it's fine as is). I don't know how this year will go, but I don't plan on be so silent again.

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