It's past midnight. I should be in bed. Instead, I'm writing a paper. I should be writing that paper, but I wanted to post about this small victory I had over Microsoft Word 2007 tonight. What I loved about the past versions of Word is that they allowed you to have your rulers on the sides of the problem. Controlling things like the indent and the borders of a document was very simple.
However, I lost my last version of Word when my now former roommate (thanks Alex) decided to "fix" things on my computer. He had to reinstall Windows before it was over. The good thing is that we had the foresight to back up my important files. The bad part was that this version of XP came with Microsoft Office 2007 and all of its features. My beloved ruler disappeared. Sure, I could simply hit the space bar five times for every new paragraph, but I am not a barbarian.
So, I went months hitting the space bar five times every time I indented a paragraph. As an English major, this got old, fast. I was not very happy. Yet, then it happened. I found the exact option I was looking for! My beloved ruler hath been restored to me! Now I can present my indent and never have to worry about it again. Also, I have learned of new features that I did not know Word 2007 had, and I'm oddly looking forward to playing with them at a later date. Now back to the paper I should have written earlier.
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