So, some news for my faithful few! (Maybe I should avoid saying things like how few people read this and blah, blah, blah...) I finally have my first real interview since I lost my last job. It went fairly well, but it seems I am the first of four candidates for this job and the manager that interviewed me seems to think that he won't make a decision until about Tuesday. Then, if he likes me enough over the other people, then he'll give me a call. If that happens, then I get to interview once again with the general manager, who is ultimately responsible for hiring. All this to be a cook at Applebee's. No offense to the other guys (or possibly gals), but I hope they don't get the job and I do. I need to work 'cause work makes me feel good inside (and makes my bank account feel even better inside).
Speaking of work, I have been reading this blog lately, called Android Central. Recently, they posted an article detailing how they are looking for some new writers to handle news volume. Now, I know, some people are thinking, "Oh, Nathan, that would be right up your alley, you want to be a writer after all." I thought the same thing! However, there is one slight problem, they require that you own an Android smart phone, which I currently do not. (Yes, that is a link to a Wikipedia article, because it gives some good insight for those who don't know that Android is a cell phone operating system and not the Droid series of phones from Verizon.) I do want to own a Nexus One when I have money and my upgrade comes in from T-Mobile, but that is not now.
In other news, life has been interesting. I did/ am doing some work at my church, painting this shed we have. It's great to be doing something with my hands again. Another thing I did with my hands is rip apart a computer I used to own and take some components from it. You see, I found out that my CD drive burned out, or something, on the computer I am currently using at home. I hate that computer so much, but I had some CD's I really wanted to load to my iPod. However, they first needed to be on my iTunes, so I was simply going to take one of the two CD-ROM drives that were going to waste in old system, yet it proved to be more of a task than I thought. So I gutted the thing and now need to find it the parts I took are even worth all that effort. I also recently fixed my PS3, with my own two hands, because I do stuff like that. Yet Best Buy still hasn't called me. Their loss I guess.