I've been doing some thinking lately. For those of you who know how much I think on a regular basis, this is a prompt time to gasp, "Oh NO!" (Expect that would be more of a yell, but still very apt.)
This summer I attended my first two weddings, ever. Yes, I know that's a shock, most people have attended like fifty thousand weddings by the time they are five. Yet, with less than a year before I can legally purchase alcohol and at the same time have a slightly lower insurance premium (I really don't care about the booze), I have only now been to a wedding (two, in fact).
I couldn't attend the reception at the first one because I had to work, and honestly, I was trying to skip out. I could have traded shifts, but I was sure I would have been too upset. I'm twenty and single at a wedding reception were most people have dates, a notable "bummer."
The second one found me attending the reception, but skipping out just before the dancing started. Why? Multiple reasons. One, a friend of mine needed to leave, but was dragging her feet, so I agreed to "shoo her," as it were. Also, while there were multiple people who would have gladly shared a dance or two with me, I didn't want to dance with any one there. Truth be told, there was someone on my mind. (Though I regret not dancing.)
Now I come to the meat of the issue. When does one find "the right one?" (And why is it the "right," and not the "left?") How do you know? How do you even court!? I want to know. The Bible, as far as I understand, talks about how our love is supposed to be, not how to find that special someone.
I wouldn't know who to ask about this. My parents never married, my mom is a non-practicing Mormon, and my dad thinks all Christians are fakes (not sure if that includes me). So the parental approach is clearly out. I feel awkward asking other people's parents for advice I can't go to my own parents for, and many of them feel awkward giving it to me, so that's a no go. I've prayed about it, but I've had some other issues lately that God has been showing me have more importance than this question, so He's telling me to wait on this one.
Maybe that's what I should do, just wait it out. However, there's that lingering thought, how will I know? When will I know? Will I know right away? What kind of person is she? Okay, so that was several thoughts, but you get the idea.
I've always had this idea of what my perfect someone would be like. Yet, now, I feel like maybe I won't meet them. Paul says that it is good not to marry, but if you burn in your passions, then marry (1 Cor. 7). Well, I've had this desire to raise a family. I want to marry my wife, have my kids, and serve the Lord (hopefully my wife and kids are really the Lord's and not mine).
The older I get, the more my want to marry increases. I search for that right someone a lot. Not because I'm impatient to marry, but about I want to start my life with whomever the Lord has for me. I'll tell you this, I love my wife very dearly, but I know not who she is. I know who I hope she is, but only the Lord knows that right now.
I'll tell you what doesn't help my thoughts on this though, all the people I seem to know are either getting married, dating someone, or complaining about being single. I try to hold my tongue and not tell everyone how frustrated I am, not explain my own woes. I try to be that friend who lends advice and congratulates when congratulations are due. Yet, I want to find you, Love. Maybe I know you already, maybe we have yet to meet, but I want to be the husband you deserve.
This summer I attended my first two weddings, ever. Yes, I know that's a shock, most people have attended like fifty thousand weddings by the time they are five. Yet, with less than a year before I can legally purchase alcohol and at the same time have a slightly lower insurance premium (I really don't care about the booze), I have only now been to a wedding (two, in fact).
I couldn't attend the reception at the first one because I had to work, and honestly, I was trying to skip out. I could have traded shifts, but I was sure I would have been too upset. I'm twenty and single at a wedding reception were most people have dates, a notable "bummer."
The second one found me attending the reception, but skipping out just before the dancing started. Why? Multiple reasons. One, a friend of mine needed to leave, but was dragging her feet, so I agreed to "shoo her," as it were. Also, while there were multiple people who would have gladly shared a dance or two with me, I didn't want to dance with any one there. Truth be told, there was someone on my mind. (Though I regret not dancing.)
Now I come to the meat of the issue. When does one find "the right one?" (And why is it the "right," and not the "left?") How do you know? How do you even court!? I want to know. The Bible, as far as I understand, talks about how our love is supposed to be, not how to find that special someone.
I wouldn't know who to ask about this. My parents never married, my mom is a non-practicing Mormon, and my dad thinks all Christians are fakes (not sure if that includes me). So the parental approach is clearly out. I feel awkward asking other people's parents for advice I can't go to my own parents for, and many of them feel awkward giving it to me, so that's a no go. I've prayed about it, but I've had some other issues lately that God has been showing me have more importance than this question, so He's telling me to wait on this one.
Maybe that's what I should do, just wait it out. However, there's that lingering thought, how will I know? When will I know? Will I know right away? What kind of person is she? Okay, so that was several thoughts, but you get the idea.
I've always had this idea of what my perfect someone would be like. Yet, now, I feel like maybe I won't meet them. Paul says that it is good not to marry, but if you burn in your passions, then marry (1 Cor. 7). Well, I've had this desire to raise a family. I want to marry my wife, have my kids, and serve the Lord (hopefully my wife and kids are really the Lord's and not mine).
The older I get, the more my want to marry increases. I search for that right someone a lot. Not because I'm impatient to marry, but about I want to start my life with whomever the Lord has for me. I'll tell you this, I love my wife very dearly, but I know not who she is. I know who I hope she is, but only the Lord knows that right now.
I'll tell you what doesn't help my thoughts on this though, all the people I seem to know are either getting married, dating someone, or complaining about being single. I try to hold my tongue and not tell everyone how frustrated I am, not explain my own woes. I try to be that friend who lends advice and congratulates when congratulations are due. Yet, I want to find you, Love. Maybe I know you already, maybe we have yet to meet, but I want to be the husband you deserve.